
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Technology Update

Since my last post, I have taken advantage of this cold-bug I have and became one with my cell phone.

Mother would be proud - I guess.

So, I have changed the settings within Facebook, turning off the annoying notifications, but turned them on for text messages.
I enlarged the size of the print for emails, and learned much more about the camera portion of the phone.
I figured out how to turn the screen so I can take a picture of my husband and me and see what I'm doing, and I figured out how to take video -- did it and emailed the video to myself.
I imported a new app - Instagram, but I think learning how to use it will take another sitting.
I emailed about 35 photos that I've taken with my cell phone to my personal email account and then saved them to my hard drive.
I looked at the calendar and decided that I'm still not ready to give up my Day-timer, but at least I looked at it.

That's where I stand right now as I happily learn new things about my phone other than making and receiving calls.

Who knew it could be fun?

I'm home alone today with this cold-bug, so now I'm going to get creative in Studio Sydney.

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